The foundation of sound dental care is routine dental cleaning and maintenance. However, your hygiene visits at Cramer Dental include more than just cleaning. Each visit involves a thorough examination, oral cancer screening, gum disease evaluation, and decay assessment, as well as restorative evaluation. We may also perform intraoral photographs, digital x-rays, or treatments, along with a complete cleaning and polishing to help you maintain good oral health.

Dental cleanings not only improve the appearance of your teeth but also remove plaque and tartar buildup, which are crucial to sustaining your overall oral health.

A Thorough Cleaning

While brushing, flossing, and rinsing at home are essential, they only go so far in maintaining dental health. A professional cleaning is necessary to reach those areas that at-home care can’t access. During a dental cleaning, we use specialized instruments to eliminate dental films, plaque, and food particles that contribute to oral health issues.

Keep a Healthy Smile

For a brighter, healthier smile, professional cleanings are far more effective than over-the-counter products. After a cleaning, your teeth will look whiter and brighter, and there’s no risk of tooth sensitivity, which is a common side effect of DIY whitening methods. Regular cleanings also help maintain overall dental health by keeping your smile clean and polished.

Dental Cleaning at Cramer Dental

Prevent Gum Disease

Regular dental cleanings are essential to prevent gum disease, which, when left untreated, can lead to bad breath, bone loss, and tooth loss. Visiting your dentist at least every six months enables us to detect gum disease early, treat it, and even reverse its effects. Without professional cleanings and evaluations, you may not be aware of early-stage gum disease.

Prevent Cavities

Dental cleanings remove plaque that your daily oral care routine can miss. Plaque buildup leads to cavities, which can permanently damage dental enamel. Regular cleanings are necessary to maintain enamel and prevent the formation of cavities that can eventually require extensive dental care.

Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned Today

Count on the Cramer Dental team to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. To learn more about the importance of dental cleanings, call us at (484) 370-4010 to schedule your appointment.

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978 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422-1810

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Mon - Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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